Our work is regularly featured in the press in Europe and beyond.
The Guardian, 29 November 2021.
Balkan Insight, 25 November 2021.
Public Technology, 22 October 2021.
Euractiv, 20 October 2021.
An article in Netzpolitik looks at the EU's counter-terrorism action plan on Afghanistan, which was made public by Statewatch.
An article in EUobserver looks at a report by the European Court of Auditors, and cites a document published by Statewatch.
An article in Dutch newspaper de Volksrant examines the UK government's proposals on official secrets and "hostile state activity", citing Statewatch as an organisation that has tried to sound the alarm about the proposals.
China Daily cites a comment from Statewatch on the report of the European Parliament's Frontex Scurinty Group.
An article in Netzpolitik cites a piece published by Statewatch including two documents from the Council of the EU that propose taking "specific EU action against violent left-wing and anarchist extremism and terrorism".
An article in Declassified UK looks at the UK government's plans to amend the Official Secrets Act, including quotes from our Director Emeritus, Tony Bunyan.
An article in the Morning Star cites an official document published by Statewatch in an article on the criminalisation of NGOs in Greece.
An article in Social Europe cites Statewatch's long-standing work on Europe's "security-industrial complex".
An article published by Open Migration cites a recent piece of ours on the EU's new voluntary return and reintegration strategy.
Senegalese website Futurs Media looks at how Senegal's national biometric database will facilitate expulsions, using documents and an analysis published by Statewatch.
An article in EUobserver on the EU's Voluntary Return and Reintegration Strategy cites a European Commission document that was recently published by Statewatch.
An opinion piece in EUobserver cites a Statewatch article warning of the dangers of reproducing racist and other discriminatory biases by using "artificial intelligence" technologies in policing.
An article for the Austrian news outlet, Radio FM4, refers to a document leaked by Statewatch about the expansion of Europol's powers. Some of these new competencies have encountered considerable resistance in the Council of Ministers.
An article in De Groene Amsterdammer refers to Statewatch's report Deportation Union to highlight the inflation of Frontex's powers, even as human rights are systematically ignored.
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