Legal and administrative complaints

Legal and administrative complaints made by Statewatch to the European Ombudsman concerning Frontex.

The Ombudsman investigates complaints about maladministration by EU institutions and bodies, but also by "proactively looking into broader systemic issues".

03 February 2021

Complaints to the European Ombudsman on Europol, Frontex and access to documents: documentation

Following complaints to the European Ombudsman from Statewatch, EU policing agency Europol and EU border control agency Frontex agreed to implement a number of principles concerning legislation on public access to documents.

19 January 2021

EU: New transparency obligations for justice and home affairs agencies following Statewatch complaints

A new transparency framework for EU justice and home affairs agencies has been laid down by the European Ombudsman, in response to complaints from Statewatch that highlighted the failure of Europol and Frontex to meet their legal obligations under EU rules on public access to documents.

31 March 2014

Access to EU documents: Calling the agencies to account

Statewatch complaints to the European Ombudsman regarding the transparency obligations of Frontex, Europol and Eurojust


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