Black recruitment/racial discrimination

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Black recruitment/racial discrimination
artdoc June=1991

According to the Daily Mail (20.2.91), a survey of 3000 police
officers has concluded that white policemen believe themselves
to be the victims of race and sex discrimination by senior
officers who favour blacks and women.
Meanwhile, West Midlands police have admitted that only 11
Afro-Caribbean police officers were recruited to the West
Midlands police force last year. (Birmingham Evening Mail
PC Surinder Singh, who was awarded ¼20,000 for racial
discrimination at an industrial tribunal is to become a
detective based in Nottingham (Today 21.2.91; Times 21.2.91;
Independent 21.2.91). And a black PC, William Halliday, awarded
¼l,000 compensation from the Metropolitan police for racial
discrimination, was sent for trial at Southwark Crown Court,
accused of assaulting a man in custody. (Times 27.2.91)
According to the Sun (22.2.91) a black British Transport
policeman was subjected to a Ku Klux Klan-style trial by white
colleagues who dressed up in white sheets at a residential
training centre in Tadworth, Surrey, where they were attending
a two-week dog-handling refresher course. An investigation is
being held. (Sun 22.2.91)

IRR Police-Media Bulletin no 68. Institute of Race Relations,
2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS.

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