UK: Justice for Taj and Roberto campaign launched

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A campaign has been launched to draw attention to the deplorable situation of two anti-fascists who have been jailed for defending themselves against a racist attack. Taj Ahmed and Roberto Brollini were sentenced to 12 months imprisonment at Burnley Crown Court in January after being found guilty of actual bodily harm on a British National Party (BNP) election candidate, Andrew Weardon.

The attack on Taj and Roberto took place last May at Rawtensall bus station where Weardon and his racist associates had carried out a string of attacks on black people since setting up a BNP group in 1996. During the trial evidence relating to the racist activities of the "victims" was ignored. In a letter from HMP Preston Taj described the events that led to his imprisonment:

...I was receiving racist comments from a white girl. I also exchanged some comments and told my friend to ask her to go away. She soon left but soon after 2 white males approached me and said "WE DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU SAID TO THAT GIRL YOU SMELLY BLACK BASTARD." My friend and I replied "Leave it out, the girl has gone." They were both drunk and attacked me. Self defence was the next option [emphasis in original].

In court Weardon, and BNP member Matthew Perry, told the jury that Ahmed had attacked them, but their accounts ring hollow, in light of the BNP's well-documented violence in the area. Indeed, one local BNP organiser, David Haraldsson, was jailed in January 1997 after being convicted on five counts of aggravated bodily harm on elderly people at the Chorley nursing home where he worked. Weardon and Perry's drunken attack on Taj and Roberto, (after which the fascists were taken to hospital), is entirely in keeping with the "law and order" traditions of the BNP.

On the other hand, neither of the jailed anti-fascists has a record of violence. In fact, Taj was the victim of a racist attack in 1994. His assailants were armed with a machete and their assault resulted in him receiving 112 stitches in his right shoulder which needed staples to close the wound. His face, neck and lung were punctured and his face severely disfigured. Of the six white males who took part in the attack one was jailed for a year while another received community service.

In light of Home Office and police promises to combat racist violence in the wake of the botched police inquiry into the Stephen Lawrence murder the case of Taj and Roberto demonstrates once again the lack of political will to seriously address issues of racism. The local police have told family members that they were unaware of Weardon's political affiliations despite the fact that he was the BNP's parliamentary candidate for Rossendale and Darwen in 1997; on another occasion they raided his house and confiscated racist material.

The Justice for Taj and Roberto campaign are asking for letters to be sent to Lancashire police and Burnley Crown Prosecution Service protesting at the treatment Taj and Roberto received. Letters of support can be sent to the two men at the following address: Taj Ahmed (BT9173) & Roberto Brollini (CC5829), HMP Kirkham, Freckleton Road, Preston PR4 5AB, United Kingdom. The campaign, which is supported by MEPs Mike Hindley and Glyn Ford, can be reached at: Justice for Taj and Roberto, c/o Clr. Jean Hayler, Rossendale Town Hall, Lord Street, Rawstenstall, Lancs BB4 7LZ.

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