Sweden: Lund/McDonald Commission appointed

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The "Lund/McDonald commission" has been appointed. It will be chaired by Marshal of the Realm (riksmarskalken), Gunnar Brodin, (his predecessor, Mr Lagergren, was the Swedish judge whose deciding vote ensured that the Leander case - concerning surveillance and record-keeping (registration) by the state contravening the right to freedom of expression - was lost at the European Court of Human Rights, see Statewatch vol 7 no 6). The other members are: Anders Knutsson (former chairman of the supreme court. In Sweden people are NOT elected to this post nor can they apply for it ? the government appoints supreme court judges without consultation); Anita Klum (a former head of Swedish Amnesty International) and Ewonne Winblad (a former journalist, nowadays a mass media consultant). One more member, a historian, remains to be appointed. None of the members of the new commission have worked on issues connected to surveillance, personnel control, security police or military intelligence. This is a very, very Swedish solution (see Statewatch vol 6 no 3).

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