Racism & fascism - in brief (4)

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France: Megret speaks up for racist killers: The Front National heir apparent, Bruno Megret, appeared at the trial of three accredited FN supporters who were jailed for the murder of Ibrahim Ali. Speaking in their defence, Megret told the court that the three men had taken fright at the appearance of a group of black teenagers and that they were not evil men. They were, on the contrary, "the elite of the nation". The three had encountered the group of teenagers, (ten, at the most), whilst they were putting up FN propaganda posters in Marseilles in 1995. Robert Lagier shot 17-year old Ali in the back with an outlawed dum-dum bullet. The three claimed that the teenagers had pelted them with stones, yet it was subsequently established that they had been carrying nothing but musical instruments. Lagier was sentenced to 15 years, Pierre Giglio to 12 months and Mario d'Abrosio to 10 years. Whilst the lawyer for the three, Jean-Michel Pesenti was at pains both to distance himself from the FN and to extol his own left-wing credentials, the advocate general, Etienne Ceccaldi, condemned the FN's support of the three men and its role in attempting to help them fabricate a case to say that they were acting in self-defence. Perhaps the most damning indictment of Lagier's beliefs came from his own granddaughter, who took the stand to denounce his racist attitudes. Independent 24.6.98; Le Monde, 24.6.98.

UK: NF march stopped: A National Front (NF) march in central London was halted by anti-fascists in May. The rump fascist organisation is increasing its street activities with the appointment of a new national activities organiser, Terry Blackham, and in the absence of the larger British National Party which is attempting to clean-up its image in time for European elections. The march was to protest against the Northern Ireland peace agreement and the "Marxist" Labour government. After being confronted by anti-fascists the NF were escorted from the area under police protection. Socialist Worker, 30.5.98.

Germany: Police raid neo-nazi arsenals: Police raids on neo-nazis in and around Berlin have uncovered weapons and sophisticated communications equipment. Shells, mortars, pistols, hunting rifles and automatic weapons, hand grenades, landmines and explosives were seized in raids on properties over the last few weeks in Lehnin, Potsdam and Magdeburg. While some of the weapons date from the second world war the majority are from Croatia, Poland and the Czech Republic. The latest arrests took place in Bavaria and the Rhineland Palatinate following violence from about 200 German football hooligans - some with links to neo-nazi groups - who attacked police during the World Cup in France, leaving a police officer in coma. Sunday Telegraph 14.6.98.ste.mob

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