PTA challenges (1)

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PTA challenges
artdoc July=1994

Two PTA excludees, Gerry Adams and Kevin McQuillan, were granted
leave to challenge the exclusion orders which prevent them from
coming to Britain. Sinn Fein president Adams claims that the
right to move freely between Britain and Northern Ireland is
untrammelled and unconditional since the Treaty on European Union
came into force in November 1993. McQuillan, a former IRSP
executive member excluded from Great Britain since 1987, was
allowed to come to the Old Bailey in December to give evidence
after being witness summonsed, but was excluded again immediately
afterwards. He has been the subject of two UFF assassination
attempts, in 1991 and March 1994, and claims that the order
condemns him to death at the hands of loyalist terrorists and so
breaches his right to life and to freedom from inhuman treatment
under the European Convention of Human Rights.
Independent 4 & 6.5.94.
Statewatch, vol 4 no 3, May-June 1994

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