Official Reports: Strangeways (1)

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Official Reports: Strangeways
refdoc June=1991

HMSO (1991) Prison Disturbances April 1990 (The Woolf Report) Cmd 1456
HMSO. The official report of the inquiry into the Strangeways disturbance,
published on 25 February 1991. The 600 page report analyses the reasons
behind the disturbance and makes a series of recommendations for changing
the prison system.

Evidence of the Howard League for Penal Reform to Lord Justice Woolf's
Inquiry into Prison Disturbances, The Howard League (1990)

NACRO (1990) Towards A Humane Prison System, NACRO Prison Reform Trust
(1990) Submission to Phase 2 of the Woolf Inquiry into Prison Disturbances.

Press At The Prison Gates, Booklet No 8, The Press Council, 1991. An
in-depth and critical analysis of the role of the press in the Strangeways

Statewatch no 2, May/June 1991

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