Northern Ireland - new material (33)

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UDR men acted as covert British death squad, Laura Friel. An Phoblacht/Republican News 25.2.99, pp10-11. Article on the Ulster Defence Regiment and its collusion with British Army special forces, RUC police officers and loyalist paramilitaries in covert sectarian operations, including assassinations and bombings, during the 1970s.

Dairmuid O'Neill: a case of shoot to kill. Justice for Dairmuid O'Neill Campaign. This broadsheet outlines the questions that remain unanswered about the police killing of unarmed "IRA suspect" Dairmuid O'Neill in September 1996. The Campaign is calling for an independent public inquiry in light of a recording of the shooting and the lack of objectivity of the Police Complaints Authority. The Campaign can be contacted at BM Box D O'Neill, London WC1N 3XX.

Rosemary Nelson 1958-1999. Just News (Committee on the Administration of Justice) Vol 14, no 3 (March) 1999. Special edition of the bulletin is devoted to CAJ executive member and civil rights lawyer, Rosemary Nelson, who was killed in a loyalist sectarian attack in March. Widespread calls for an independent inquiry into her murder were quashed by RUC chief constable Ronnie Flanagan who announced instead that the investigation would be overseen by Kent chief constable David Phillips with the assistance of the FBI.

Fighting talk, Ronnie Flanagan. Police Review 22.1.99. pp20-21. Article by the RUC chief constable. He argues that on the one hand that it is appropriate that levels of policing and military activity are "adjusted" as a result of the peace process. On the other hand "the RUC's capability to protect people against the persisting terrorist threat" has to be maintained.

Statistics on the Operation of Prevention of Terrorism Legislation: Great Britain 1998. Statistical Bulletin (Home Office) Issue 3/99 (March) 1999, pp20.

Parliamentary debates

Northern Ireland Arms Decommissioning Act 1997 (Amnesty Period) Order 1999 Lords 16.2.99. cols. 619-627
Northern Ireland Commons 22.2.99. cols. 131-150
Royal Ulster Constabulary Commons 24.2.99. cols. 301-321
Belfast Agreement Lords 24.2.99. cols. 1109-1155
North/South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) (Northern Ireland) Order 1999 Lords 9.3.99 cols. 193-201
Prevention of Terrorism Act 1989 Order 1999 Lords 18.3.99. cols. 901-912

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