Military - new material (17)

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Vollmitgliedschaft Speniens in der NATO [Full membership of Spain in NATO]. AMI 1996/12 pp9-13. In November 1996 the Spanish parliament allowed the conservative government to take part in the military organization of NATO thereby violating a condition that was stipulated in the Spanish referendum on NATO in 1986.

NATO-Studie "MC 161/96": neue Bedrohungseinschatzung [NATO-Study 32MC 161/96: New threat assessment]. AMI 1996/12 pp13-16. AMI publishes the translation of a secret document from the NATO Military Council entitled "The General intelligence estimate". It contains the NATO perception of the Russian threat expected reactions on NATO-enlargement and the proliferation danger as NATO sees it.

Les forces Francaises d'outremer [French overseas forces] Yves Debay. Raids No. 128 pp6-25 (Part 1) No. 129 pp6-13 (Part 2). Dossier about the last remnants of French colonial military units in Africa the Caribbean and the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

IFOR - the mission continues...NATO's Sixteen Nations No. 2/96. Special issue on the IFOR operation in Bosnia.

A security role for the European Union Martin Butcher. Alert No, 10 (October) 1996.

NATO expansion - time to reconsider. BASIC and CESD 25.11.96.

Parliamentary debates

Gulf War illness Lords 10.12.96. cols. 953-968 Gulf War illness Commons 10.12.96. cols. 119-138

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