Europe - new material (17)

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Leben online. Von der Chipkarte bis zum Europol-Netz: Der Mensch unter staendigem Verdacht (Life online. From the chip-card to the Europol-network: people under permanent suspicion) Beat Leuthard Hamburg rororo aktuell 13765 1996 pp.224 pb 14 90 DM. The permanent day-to-day surveillance of people from CCTV to information systems and EUROPOL.

War markets: corporate and organised criminals in Europe, Vincenzo Ruggiero. Social & Legal Studies Vol. 5 No. 1 pp5-20 1996. Uses the arms business as an example of how "organised crime and corporate crime may act jointly."

Whistleblowing fraud and the European Union. Public Concern at Work 1996 10 pp42. From: Public Concern at Work Lincoln's Inn House 42 Kingsway London WC2B 6EN.

National Identity cards in the European Union: the British debate Adrian Beck and Kate Broadhurst. Centre for the Study of Public Order University of Leicester 1995 60 pages 4.00.

Crime at sea: a forgotten issue in police cooperation Martin Gill. Centre for the Study of Public Order University of Leicester 1995 36 pages 5.00.

EUROPOL - brave new police? Hearing on Europol in the European Parliament organised by the Green Group on 3 July 1995, Contributions from the eight speakers and the full text of the Convention 50 pages (A4) in German.

Parliamentary debates

Turkey: Human rights Lords 14.2.96. cols. 669-700 European Convention on Human Rights Commons 6.3.96. cols 308-315 European Union enlargement proposals Lords 13.3.96. cols. 851-886

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