Belgium: Nine liaison officers appointed

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Belgium has appointed nine police officers to be liaison officers working outside the country research carried out for the Belgian police specialist magazine Politeia reveals. The officers' brief is to establish closer cooperation with other services abroad, focusing on drug trafficking, terrorism and immigration. They operate under common guidelines agreed by the then Trevi Ministers meeting in Lisbon in December 1992.

The nine officers already appointed are based in Germany, Spain, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Colombia, the USA and Russia. Others are apparently soon to be sent to Canada, Pakistan, the UK, and Turkey.

Eleven other EU countries have 231 liaison officers. The UK has the most with over 50, with France and Germany close behind. The most popular EU destination for liaison officers is Germany, with 16 foreign police officers. The most popular destination outside the EU is the USA, who has 15 EU liaison officers, followed by Colombia with thirteen and Thailand with 12.

Gazet van Antwerpen, 5.10.96

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