30 April 1993
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UK: MI5 court appearance
UK: Third report on MI5
Sweden: 'suspicions' leaked
Sweden: Kurd still 'suspected’
Holland: Compensation paid
Europe: Refugees: a political threat
UK: M25 Three Appeal
UK: Picket of the Home Office
Switzerland: Undercover-Agent
UK: 'Truth was the first casualty’
UK: Draconian package
Germany: volunteer border police
UK: Panic on the bench
UK: Court cases decline
UK: Tower Hamlets condemned
Northern Ireland: Back to Ghosting
Northern Ireland: MI5, South Africa and the UDA
Northern Ireland: Immunity Certificates
Northern Ireland: Exclusion Order Challenge
Northern Ireland: Strip searches: Maghaberry Prison
UK: Prison assaults set to rise
UK: Deaths and attempted suicides
UK: Lack of care
Germany: racist violence
Austria: FPO splits
UK: Setbacks for Blood and Honour
UK: Green light to pass laws
EU: The Mary Reid Story
EU: Eurocops exchange arrests
Italy: Schengen discussed
EU: Refugees: monitoring EC borders
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