Launched in 1999 and updated regularly, Statewatch News includes our own reporting and writing as well as articles, announcements, documents and analyses from elsewhere on civil liberties, EU policies and state practices. You can receive updates in your inbox by signing up to our mailing list, or use an RSS feed to get instant alerts.

20 February 2019

EU: Civil Liberties MEPs back rules improving data exchange between EU information systems

"The informal deal between Parliament and Council negotiators on new measures to improve interoperability of EU information systems, was confirmed by Civil Liberties MEPs on Tuesday."

20 February 2019

Brexit: Sajid Javid warns EU counterparts of joint policing 'disruption'

"The home secretary, Sajid Javid, has urged his EU counterparts to prepare for the eventuality that current joint policing systems could discontinue on 30 March because of a no-deal Brexit."

19 February 2019

Turkey might allow Syrian refugees to go to Europe - newspaper

"The Turkish government is considering opening its borders to allow Syrian refugees to travel to Europe as the European Union opposes Ankara’s plan to establish what it calls a safe zone in northeastern Syria, pro-government daily Yeni Safak said on Friday."

19 February 2019

The ECtHR as a drowning ‘Island of Hope’?’

Its impending reversal of the interpretation of collective expulsion is a warning signal.

18 February 2019

EU: Refugee crisis: latest news from across Europe (12-18.2.19)

Tighter laws continue to hit migrants across the EU - EU asylum applications fall to below half crisis peak - EP civil liberties committee against proposal to give Frontex powers to assist non-EU states with deportations

18 February 2019

EU: Internal Security Strategy implementation report: updates on data retention, cooperation with third countries, external borders

A comprehensive report on the implementation of the EU's Internal Security Strategy gives an overview of the 'state of play' with regard to potential new data retention measures, cooperation between EU agencies and institutions and third countries in the field of internal security, measures to strengthen the EU's external borders, and much more.

18 February 2019

EU: Security Union: Commission recommends negotiating international rules for obtaining electronic evidence

"Today, the European Commission recommends engaging in two international negotiations on cross-border rules to obtain electronic evidence."

18 February 2019

UK: New Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act "threatens freedom of expression"

The UK's new Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act introduces an array of new offences and powers that could put freedom of expression at risk, according to Index on Censorship.

18 February 2019

UK-Ireland: A hard Border makes return of violence to Northern Ireland 'inevitable' - stark new report warns

"Young people in Northern Ireland will be "groomed into violent activity" if a hard Border emerges after Brexit, a stark new report has warned."

18 February 2019

Swedish anti-deportation activist avoids jail time

"Elin Ersson prevented a plane from taking off that had an Afghan man aboard who was supposed to be deported back to his country. A Swedish court ruled that she will not have to spend time in jail, but ordered her to pay a fine."

18 February 2019

When rescue is capture: kidnapping and dividing migrants in the Mediterranean by Martina Tazzioli

"The Italian minister of the interior, Matteo Salvini, is currently under investigation for abuse of power and the kidnapping of 177 migrants. These migrants were, on Salvini’s orders, confined to the coast guard vessel Diciotti for more than one week in late August last year."

18 February 2019

Tighter laws continue to hit migrants across the EU

"Stricter migration laws and policies continue to take their toll on migrants’ fundamental rights, finds the agency’s latest report on migration-related fundamental rights concerns. It highlights the hardening political stance in Member States, difficulties in claiming asylum, and poor reception conditions during the cold winter months."

18 February 2019

Bulgaria urged to stop locking up stateless people by detained heart doctor

"A cardiac specialist, who was locked up in Bulgaria for six weeks because he has no nationality, has called on the government to stop treating stateless people like criminals."

15 February 2019

Are You Syrious? on deaths at sea

"217 people died in the Mediterranean this year. Among those who lost their lives while dreaming about freedom and dignified life, was were four girls - one was 9 years old, the two 16 and one 17 years."


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