Launched in 1999 and updated regularly, Statewatch News includes our own reporting and writing as well as articles, announcements, documents and analyses from elsewhere on civil liberties, EU policies and state practices. You can receive updates in your inbox by signing up to our mailing list, or use an RSS feed to get instant alerts.
- African Union seeks to kill EU plan to process migrants in Africa - Report on the consequences of security and migration policies at French-Italian border - Deal will see Spanish rescue ships return migrants to Morocco
"The African Union is seeking to kill off the EU’s latest blueprint for stemming migration, claiming that it would breach international law by establishing “de facto detention centres” on African soil, trampling over the rights of those being held."
"The Government adopted the Action Plan for Implementing the Integrated Border Management Strategy 2014-18, for 2019, and adopted the Report on the Implementing Measures and Activities from the Action Plan for 2018."
"Labour councils are removing Home Office immigration officers embedded within local authorities after calls from party members and councillors to stop enabling policies that lead to a “hostile environment” for migrants."
"The Federal Government confirms that there are “difficulties in the availability electronically and by telephone” of the Libyan ‘coastguard’. The same was also said to apply “regarding language barriers”. The EUNAVFOR MED military mission has initiated a “monitoring mecha-nism” to tackle problems such as these, with the aim of evaluating maritime rescue missions."
Following the UK Home Secretary's controversial decision to revoke the citizenship of the teenager Shamima Begum, who left the UK to join Islamic State in 2015, the issue of citizenship deprivation has been high on the public agenda. A number of reports published in recent years provide useful reading on the topic.
Observation report 2017-2018 (Anafé, pdf)
Measures being negotiated as part of the EU's 'Security Union' are moving ahead swiftly, with the Council and Parliament reaching provisional agreements on new rules for immigration liaison officers, the EU's Visa Code and the introduction of mandatory biometric national identity cards; and the Council agreeing its negotiating position on the new Frontex Regulation.
The Council of the EU last week agreed its mandate for negotiations with the European Parliament on the new Frontex Regulation, which will further increase the powers and role of the border agency. Statewatch is making the Council's mandate publicly available.
"New IRR publication provides a fresh take on housing, policing and racism in London. The moral panic over supposedly dangerous black, urban subcultures in London, emerges at a crucial time, argues the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) in a challenging background paper published today."
"Sea rescue services will be able to return some migrants to Moroccan ports instead of taking them to Spanish ones."
Migration minister warns camp on Samos where hundreds of children live in squalor is six times over capacity
"The informal deal between Parliament and Council negotiators on new measures to improve interoperability of EU information systems, was confirmed by Civil Liberties MEPs on Tuesday."
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