Launched in 1999 and updated regularly, Statewatch News includes our own reporting and writing as well as articles, announcements, documents and analyses from elsewhere on civil liberties, EU policies and state practices. You can receive updates in your inbox by signing up to our mailing list, or use an RSS feed to get instant alerts.

05 November 2019

Germany: Vigilante patrols pose far-right 'terror threat'

"Right-wing vigilante patrols claiming to fill gaps in state security have popped up in several German states. The government has warned there's not a big leap between these groups and far-right terrorism."

05 November 2019

EU: Meijers Committee: Opinion of the Meijers Committee on interstate procedures and the rule of law

"The Meijers Committee hopes that the newly installed Commission and Parliament will pursue the protection of the rule of law in the EU with equal rigor. Our Committee also calls on the Member States, however, to take serious their own responsibility to protect human rights and democracy in fellow Member States."

05 November 2019

Number of unaccompanied refugee minors in Greece rises to 4,800

"They are the most vulnerable group among the refugees: unaccompanied minors in Greece. 4,800 children, aged 2 -17. A real challenge for those in and outside Greece dealing with their protection."

05 November 2019

UK fears stoked over data harvesting ahead of general election

"UK political parties have been warned by the country’s data protection watchdog that they must comply with relevant laws concerning the storing and safeguarding of data in the run up to the country’s general election on December 12."

05 November 2019

Refugees in Turkey: MEPs to assess use of EU funds and cooperation with Ankara

"MEPs will assess on Wednesday the situation of Syrian refugees in Turkey and the results of the budgetary support provided by the EU to the Turkish government."

04 November 2019

Migrants continue to suffer as reception centres remain overcrowded and violence against migrants surges

"Significant increase in arrivals in Greece, overcrowding of reception centres and violence against migrants at the borders are some of the fundamental rights concerns FRA identifies in its latest migration quarterly report."

04 November 2019

Dresden: The German city that declared a 'Nazi emergency'

"A city in eastern Germany has declared a "Nazi emergency", saying it has a serious problem with the far-right."

04 November 2019

UK: MP calls for review into police handling of journalists' data as Northern Ireland pair continue battle

"A Conservative MP has urged the Government to review police handling of journalists’ data as two investigative journalists in Northern Ireland fight to have their seized material deleted from police databases."

04 November 2019

USA: The FBI Spends a Lot of Time Spying on Black Americans

"The FBI has come under intense criticism after a 2017 leak exposed that its counterterrorism division had invented a new, unfounded domestic terrorism category it called “black identity extremism.”"

04 November 2019

German migrant rescue boat carrying 88 people allowed to dock in Italy

"Italy granted permission for migrants on board a Sea-Eye rescue ship to disembark, after nearly a week stranded at sea. The standoff ended after Germany and other EU countries agreed to take in the migrants."

04 November 2019


Arrivals are up by 66% compared to 2018.

01 November 2019

GREECE: Leros turns away boat with migrants

"Residents and local officials on the Aegean island of Leros on Friday blocked a passenger ferry carrying 40 migrants from Symi from disembarking."

01 November 2019

Ventimiglia, illegal pushbacks as a daily reality at the French-Italian border

"Illegal pushbacks at the French-Italian border are happening on a daily basis since few years, with an alarming increase in the past months, reaching a total number of 1.855 (sometimes the same person is counted multiple times) just in the month of October."

31 October 2019

Greece: Aegean Boat Report

"A total of 110 boats started their trip towards the Greek Islands, carrying a total of 3940 people. However, 67 boats were stopped by TCG/police, and 1625 people arrived on the Greek Islands."

31 October 2019

Libyan decree to affect NGOs, Protests in Ethiopia, EU Parliament rejects motion on search and rescue

"In this week’s News Highlights: Protests lead to killings of civilians in Ethiopia; Returnees to Ethiopia face difficult conditions; Follow the journey of Eritrean refugees; Human rights in Eritrea the topic of seminar in European Parliament; Right-wing groups in the European Parliament vote against improving rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea; Rescue ship waits 11 days at sea; Eritreans in the Netherlands protest against the presence of the Eritrean regime."


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