EU: Counter Terrorism: Council of the European Union: Strengthening cooperation on counter-terrorism threat analysis

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See the full text: Strengthening cooperation on counter-terrorism threat analysis (LIMITE doc no: 8409-16, pdf): There is concern about the legal basis for sharing intelligence:

"The discussion showed divergences between Member States as to which role to give the EU in view of national positions and Article 4(2) TEU, in particular in relation to the sharing of intelligence information. Many delegations were positive towards the idea, whereas a number of delegations requested additional information and more details on a number of issues, such as the legal basis for such a joint threat assessment, methodology and which personal data would be exchanged. Others underlined the importance of avoiding duplication. The EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator (CTC) supported the idea of a joint threat assessment."

and also where to draw the line between intelligence-gathering, analyses and operational roles: See EU INTCEN (pdf):

"EU INTCEN is the exclusive civilian intelligence analysis function of the European Union... EU INTCEN is not an operational agency and does not have any collection capability. The operational level of intelligence is the Member States’ responsibility. EU INTCEN deals only with strategic analysis...".

at the same time EU INTCEN "compliments" Member States' input by monitoring open sources:

"EU INTCEN deals only with strategic analysis. Its analytical products are mostly based on information provided by Member States’ security and intelligence services, but can also be complemented by open sources (media, websites, blogs etc.), diplomatic reporting, consular warden networks, international organisations, NGOs, CSDP missions and operations, the EU Satellite Centre, visits and field trips."
[emphasis added]

See also: EU to enhance terrorism "threat assessments" as Counter Terrorist Group moves towards "real time information exchange"

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