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- Another bad day for rights and privacy: European Parliament
Another bad day for rights and privacy: European Parliament
14 April 2016
"The new directive regulating the use of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data in the EU for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime was approved by Parliament on Thursday. It will oblige airlines to hand national authorities passengers' data for all flights from third countries to the EU and vice versa."
The Press release is disingenuous: It says: "member states could also extend it to “intra-EU” ones (i.e. from an EU country to one or more other EU countries), provided that they notify the EU Commission" As Statewatch reported in December: Member States circulated a Note following the Justiice and Home affairs Council of 3-4 December 2015:
"Draft declaration by the Member States to the minutes of the Council
"Article 1a of the PNR Directive allows Member States that so wish to apply it to intra-EU flights on a voluntary basis, upon notice to the Commission to that end.
Considering the current security situation in Europe, *Member States declare that by the date of transposition provided for in Article 15 they will make full use of the possibility provided for by Article 1a under the conditions set by the Directive."
See the full text:
Parliament backs EU directive on use of Passenger Name Records (PNR) (pdf): The text was approved by 461 votes to 179, with 9 abstentions.
And see:
Parliament backs EU directive on use of Passenger Name Records (PNR) (pdf)