News in Brief July 2002
01 July 2002
July 2002
UK: Joint Committee on Human Rights, 20th Report on the
"Draft Extradition Bill" (link)
UK House of Commons Defence Committee report on "Defence and security in the UK" post 11 September:
report (link)
U.S. Releases New Anti-Money Laundering Strategy:
Money-laundering (link)
Privacy, open society and the challenge of 11 September: A one-day public conference organised by Privacy International & the Electronic Privacy Information Center:
"Entangling alliances: NATO security policy and the entrenchment of state secrecy" - and how it effects the freedom of information law in the EU accession countries:
Report (pdf)
Adopted text of Directive 2002/58/EC concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the telecommunications sector:
Full-text (pdf)
UK: White Paper: "Justice for All":
Link (pdf, 950k)
USA: ACLU criticises TIPs informant plan:
Report that 1 in 24 US citizens are to be recruited as informants under the Terrorism Information and Prevention System, or TIPS:
UK & Identity Cards: Privacy International:
Advice on responding to the government's consultation paper:
Advice and Answers to FAQs
European Ombudsman's Annual Report:
Report Sections from the report on Statewatch's cases:
Statewatch (pdf)
Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court comes into effect on 1 July:
ICC (Amnesty)