Legal basis and policy framework
Legal proposals, laws in force, and studies contracted by the European Commission.
Legal basis and official evaluations
- Internal Security Fund (2014-2020)
- Decision No 1982/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007-13)
- 2007-13 internal security funds
- Preparatory Action on Security Research
Studies contracted by the European Commission
- Study evaluating the status quo and the legal implications of third party liability for the European security industry (2013) - Metro, European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law and Hunton & Williams: "Third party liability has been identified as an issue that could adversely impact the European security industry. Limitless third party liability for security product and services is believed to have the potential to reduce investments in innovation... This development has convinced the EU to examine the legal implications of third party liability of the security industry and possible policy options."
- Study on pre-commercial procurement in the field of Security (2011) - Ecorys with Decision Etudes & Conseil and TNO: "In order to preserve the future positions of European industry, reinforcing both the amount and efficiency of European R&D seems essential, as well as striving to correct these weaknesses. Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP), a procedure for the public procurement of R&D services, covering the exploration and definition of different competing solutions, down to test-series production and field testing, seems able to provide some answers to these difficulties."
- Study on the Competitiveness of the EU security industry (2009) - ECORYS Research and Consulting with DECISION Etudes & Conseil and TNO. Assesses "the current situation of the EU security industry, its structure and organisation, competitiveness position and challenges for the future"
High-level reports and policy papers
- (2018) Horizon 2020 Protection and Security Advisory Group (PASAG): Achieving synergies between security and information-related fundamental rights (IRFR) in a digital intensive environment (July 2018, pdf): In line with the cybersecurity theme of the Horizon 2020 security research programme, the PASAG (responsible for providing advice to the European Commission on the content of the security research work programmes) has produced a report on fundamental rights and the "digital-intensive" environment (e.g. concerning the Internet of Things, big data, surveillance, social media). The report argues that technologies to enforce fundamental rights are unlikely to be funded by industry and should be the focus of public funding; it makes a number of recommendations for the types of projects or topics that could be pursued. At the same time, this desire to ensure that fundamental rights are protected in a "digital intensive environment" is, at root, a means to ensure that the model of 'surveillance capitalism' that has arisen in recent years retains legitimacy in the eyes of the public.