UK: ORGREAVE: Theresa May to heed campaigners' call for inquiry into battle of Orgreave

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"Theresa May has promised to carefully consider a legal submission from campaigners calling for an inquiry into alleged multiple malpractice by South Yorkshire police, relating to the 1984 confrontation during the miners’ strike at the Orgreave coking plant."

See the article: Theresa May to heed campaigners' call for inquiry into battle of Orgreave (The Guardian, link)

And see: The legal case for an independent inquiry (Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign, link): "On Tuesday 15 December 2015 the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign (OTJC) will hand in its legal submission to the Home Secretary Theresa May, asking her to consider either establishing an Independent Panel, similar to that established in 2009 to investigate the 1989 Hillsborough disaster, or a public inquiry.

This submission, with testimonials from miners and their wives and photographs from Orgreave on the day, will be handed in by Chris Peace and Mike McColgan on behalf of the OTJC."

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