EU Council of the European Union: NIS, Western Balkans C-T, Information sharing & DP Regulation

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- NIS: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning measures to ensure a high common level of network and information security across the Union - Preparation for the trilogue (LIMITE doc no: 14606-rev-2-15, pdf) 157 pages: Multi-column document with Commission proposal, Council and European Parliament positions and "compromise" position"

- EU Western Balkan counter-terrorism initiative: integrative plan of action (Doc no: 13887-15, pdf): "EU Western Balkan
Counter-Terrorism Initiative Integrative Plan of Action (WBCTi iPA) 2015-2017"

- Information sharing on Counter-Terrorism (LIMITE doc no: 14911-15, pdf):

"The Paris attacks highlighted gaps in information sharing and checks at external borders. The informal lunch discussion in restricted format is an opportunity to exchange views on how MSs can make best use of the various information sharing mechanisms. ...

The data suggest that there remains a disparity between the actual threat posed to some MS and the amount of information that is shared and... half of all MS have still not used the Europol Information System (EIS) for counter-terrorism purposes and only 1595 foreign terrorist fighters have been registered,,,

Information on the percentage of persons checked against the relevant databases on all EU external borders is available only for some MS, and it is unsatisfactory: between 1,5 and 34 % of persons enjoying the right to free movement have been checked (Switzerland checks 100 %)."

- DP Regulation: German delegation: Regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) - Principle of purpose / further processing of data (LIMITE doc no: 14900-15, pdf): "The matter of the principle of purpose/further processing of data (Article 5 (1) (b), Article 6 (3a) and (4), Recitals 38 and 40) must be handled so that purpose has legal certainty and the fundamental rights of data subjects are appropriately balanced with legitimate economic interests."

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