EU: Council of the European Union: NIS, Migratory Pressures, CT internal-external, ISS, Law Enforcement Working Party and CSDP missions

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• NIS TRILOGUE: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning measures to ensure a high common level of network and information security across the Union - Preparations for the 2nd informal trilogue (LIMITE doc no: 14850-14, 4-11-14, , pdf) Multi-column documents showing different positions of Commission, Council and the European Parliament

• MIGRATORY PRESSURES: EU Action on Migratory Pressures - A Strategic Response 5th Biannual Update (43 pages, LIMITE doc no: 15248-14, 10-11-14, pdf): Detailed operational plans.

Overview of expert groups and networks related to the LEWP and the provisional planning of their meetings (LIMITE doc no: 8709-14, 3-11-14, pdf) Future plans:including: "2 Action Days in autumn 2014 (counter terrorism action day and metal/copper theft)"

Discussion paper on further enhancing the links between internal and external aspects of counter-terrorism: strengthening the synergies between TWP and COTER (LIMITE doc no: 14081-14, 13-11-14, pdf):

"The Council Secretariat, EEAS, EU CTC, CION and IntCen should continue to highlight the relevance of specific cross-cutting topics to groups, ensuring that coordination is enhanced and duplication avoided where possible. This will also further encourage a comprehensive approach to CT in the EU, ensuring that links are made between relevant working groups, documents shared and consultation given where relevant."

Draft Council conclusions on the development of a renewed European Union Internal Security Strategy (11 pages, LIMITE doc no 14186-rev6-14, 13-11-14, pdf):

"A European PNR is one of several important tools in this field as well as the full implementation of the Prüm decision. Interoperability of different systems, enhancing and simplifying existing tools should be ensured to allow a more efficient and proportionate exchange of information and subsequently, to enable joint operations as well as to gather evidence for prosecution. The possible introduction of a European Police Record Index System (EPRIS) could be explored. A framework, respecting fundamental rights, for swift cooperation by investigating and prosecuting authorities in access to electronic evidence across jurisdictions held by players in industry is required," [emphasis added]

• European External Action Service (EEAS): CivOpsCdr Operational Guidelines for Monitoring, Mentoring and Advising in Civilian CSDP missions (41 pages, LIMITE doc no: 15272-14, 7-11-14, pdf)

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