
07 February 2001

The Commission's proposed EU Immigration Policy

Submission by Statewatch on the Commission's EU Immigration Policy (COM (2000) 757 final) to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union, Sub-Committee "E"

07 February 2001

The adoption of Council Security Regulations

Submission by Statewatch on the Draft Council Decision concerning the adoption of Council Security Regulations (SN 5677/00) to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union, Sub-Committee "E"

07 February 2001

The proposed Directive on asylum procedures

Submission by Statewatch on the on the proposed Directive on asylum procedures (11622/00) to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union, Sub-Committee "E"

11 October 2000

The proposed EU Council Resolution on the exchange of DNA analysis results

Submission to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union concerning the proposed Resolution on DNA analysis (8937/00 ENFOPOL 36, 29.5.2000)

11 October 2000

The proposed Convention on mutual assistance on criminal matters

Submission by Statewatch to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union on the proposed Convention on mutual assistance on criminal matters, particularly organised crime and financial crime

10 October 2000

The proposed Framework Decision on money laundering

Submission by Statewatch on the proposed Framework Decision on money laundering and the proceeds of crime (9903/00 DROIPEN 24) to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union, Sub-Committee "E"

28 September 2000

The "Solana Decision" amending the code of public access to EU documents

Memorandum by Statewatch on the "Solana Decision" amending the code of public access to EU documents

16 May 2000

The proposed Regulation on public access to EU documents

Evidence from Statewatch to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities, sub-committee "E", on the proposed Regulation on public access to EU documents

26 April 2000

The proposed Decision on Financial Intelligence Units

Comments by Statewatch on the proposed Decision on Financial Intelligence Units for the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities (sub-committee "E", Law and institutions)

23 February 2000

The proposed European Union Charter of Human Rights

Comments by Statewatch to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities on the proposed European Union Charter of Human Rights

14 February 2000

The draft Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance

Note from Statewatch on COPEN 60 (13451/99) - the draft Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities

19 January 2000

The Proposed Regulation on Data Protection in EU Institutions

Comments by Statewatch on Proposed Regulation on Data Protection in EU Institutions for House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union

11 May 1999

Memorandum on European Union Databases

Evidence submitted by Statewatch to sub-committee "F" of the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities's inquiry into European Union Databases

01 March 1999

Draft Protocol extending the Eurodac Convention

Evidence from Statewatch to Sub-Committee E of the Select Committee on the European Communities (House of lords) - Draft Protocol extending the Eurodac Convention on the fingerprinting of asylum applicants to illegal immigrants (document 12943/98, dated 17.10.98)

04 October 1998

The Commission's proposals to revise comitology procedures

Evidence to House of Lords Select Committee "F" on the Commission's proposals to revise comitology procedures from Statewatch

25 November 1997

Memorandum on the draft Convention on Mutual Assistance in criminal matters

Memorandum by Statewatch to sub-committee "E" of the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities's inquiry into "Mutual assistance in criminal matters" (consideration of the draft Convention on Mutual Assistance in criminal matters)

05 March 1997

Parliamentary scrutiny procedures applicable to Third Pillar instruments

Statewatch evidence to the House of Lords Sub-Committee F - "Enquiry into Parliamentary scrutiny procedures applicable to Third Pillar instruments"


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